Have a “Peachy” Memorial Day Weekend and Summer
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- Posted in argentina, cider, Italy, peach, pinot gris/pinot grigio, spain, sparking, Torrontes, Virginia
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The informal meaning of the word peachy is “unusually fine or dandy” and that is our wish for you, this Memorial Day weekend, and all summer long. With temperatures bound to rise as we have already experienced a few days this month, nothing is more refreshing in your glass than something bright, cold, and possibly frosty.
The informal meaning of the word peachy is “unusually fine or dandy,” and that is our wish for you, this Memorial Day weekend, and all summer long. With temperatures bound to rise, as we have already experienced a few days this month, nothing is more refreshing in your glass than something bright, cold, and possibly frosty.
City Vino’s first entry for your weekend and summer enjoyment is the Lolea No. 2 Frizzante White Sangria, from Aragon, Spain. The wine is a blend of aromatic white grapes, and is considered a Clarea, which is a Spanish term for a white wine with sugar, cinnamon, and spices added. The sweetness is balanced well with the acidity, yielding a wine with fragrances and flavors of white peach, jasmine, apricot, citrus, and a hint of vanilla. Its fizziness will tickle your palate and sate your desire for something fun to pair with relaxation.
Also, remember that the Lolea wine bottle is festive as it is functional. The bottle is colorful with bright polka dots on it and a levered top, to seal the wine between pours. Give the bottle a good wash and reuse it as a water bottle for your backyard picnic table, or maybe use it to store and pour olive oil while you cook.
Our next dandy choice is the Blue Bee Peach Madness cider. This cider is a blend of Virginia Gold Rush apple cider and peach puree, which adds that splash of sweetness. The semi-sparkling cider is produced in collaboration between Blue Bee and Shoe Crazy Wine, which are both Virginia based and 100 percent woman-owned businesses.
Our final peachy entries for the weekend and summer feature mixes from our friend Lt. Blender, who knows how to party in the summer. We have carefully paired two different “cocktails in a bag,” each with a bottle of wine to yield frosty beverages to chill with. Each duo—mix and wine—is twenty dollars, and yields a half-gallon of pure glee.
The first pairing is the Lt. Blender White Sangria, with 2020 Bixio Italico Pinot Grigio Terre degli Osci, from Italy. This wine has citrus and orchard fruit aromas, and flavors that will blend well with this white sangria mix. Simply add the wine to the bag of sangria mix, top it off with water, shake it, and toss it in the freezer. If you do not want to wait for it to freeze, shake it up and serve it over ice for immediate gratification.
Our second blend combination is the Lt. Blender Peach Bellini with 2019 Callia Alta Torrontes, from San Juan, in Argentina. The wine is aromatic with flavors of oranges, other citrus, and white flower notes. Peach and orange (citrus) flavors symphonically pair well together.
For a non-alcoholic peachy punch, mix a bag each of Lt. Blender White Sangria and Peach Bellini with a two-liter bottle of chilled lemon-lime soda in a punch bowl.
Have a peach of a weekend and summer from your friends at City Vino!
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