
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  While the most popular drink this weekend will be Irish Beer or whiskey, some of us will have other drinks in hand. Most of you reading this blog are lovers of wine and although you may slide away from your wine to enjoy a St Patrick’s Day Guinness or Jameson, you may like some ideas on what wines to pair with the food you are enjoying this weekend

A Herald to the Obscure Grapes!

A Herald to the Obscure Grapes! There are grapes in the world that are planted in a wide range of environments. This is an absolute understatement. Of this vastness is a small number of varieties that have easily traveled from their homelands and have been planted around the world. Why? Because they are proven grapes that can produce high-quality wines and are not too fussy about where they are planted.

Abandon the Sideways Effect

Abandon the Sideways Effect Do you hear "Merlot" and roll your eyes? Do you go to the wine store and automatically pass the Merlot by without even consideration? Consider re-wiring your mind, forget the negative connotations brought on by the movie “Sideways,” and some bad rumors about California, and give it another swirl. The movie “Sideways” did a number on Merlot sales in 2004, thanks to Miles Raymond, played by Paul Giamatti. He basically trashed Merlot with one line, when he belted out, “No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any f#$&!@* Merlot!”

Going Out of Town? Bring a Nifty Gifty!

Going Out of Town? Bring a Nifty Gifty! Many of us will be hitting the road this holiday season, and traveling near or far to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. In this “spirit” City Vino presents some wines to bring along with you to gift or share. We are calling these selections the “Nifty Gifty” wines.

Twas the Ninth Before Christmas

Twas the Ninth Before Christmas ‘Twas the ninth before Christmas, and all through City Vino,
the wine bottles were resting especially the Highway 12 Pinot.
The wine glasses were polished and placed on the tasting bar with care,
in preparation for this weekend when the customers would be there.