
Finally, a French Thanksgiving

Finally, a French Thanksgiving

In the previous couple of weeks, City Vino has written about wines from Italy, and then Eastern Europe, to pair with your Thanksgiving meal. This week, we go to France. Our selections of French wines include white wines, with some richness to them, that stand up to and complement your holiday dishes. Light-bodied white wines may get lost among the dishes, so we selected whites with a heavier body, to harmoniously pair with your Thanksgiving bounty.

And The Winner Is – Part II & Conclusion of “I (Kathy Wiedemann) Was a Judge for the Virginia Governor’s Cup 2022”

And The Winner Is – Part II & Conclusion of “I (Kathy Wiedemann) Was a Judge for the Virginia Governor’s Cup 2022”

Last week’s blog, I (Kathy Wiedemann) Was a Judge for the Virginia Governor’s Cup 2022 - Part I, covered up to my pickup of the precious cargo which was the first 60-plus wines to be judged on day one of the final judging for the “best wines in Virginia.” I purposely put that in quote marks because not all wineries submit their wines to the cup competition. Their reasons for not submitting wines vary. Some wineries are not into competitions and medals. Others don’t have the required quantity of cases to hold back and make available after the competition is completed. I am sure there are many other reasons.